At Dog Charmer Behavior Dog Training, We specialize in customizing training sessions to address and solve all types of behavioral issues.
* In Home Sessions *
* All Puppies and Dogs Need Training *

Mama dogs start teaching their pups from birth. It is extremely important to learn how to properly communicate to the pup so they actually understand your message, and they are not imprinted with nervousness or fear and develop good manners and social skills.
Teach your dog the rules of your house and manners. We are different species and there is a communication breakdown between us. Learn how to break that barrier and get your message across and gain the trust and respect of your dog.
Learn how to build your dog's confidence and help them overcome their fears and anxiety. Aggression is just a dog's way of defending themselves, we need to gain their trust as that is the root cause, and then help them get comfortable in their surrounding environment.
Learn how to properly introduce your baby to your dog and teach your dog how to give space and respect your baby's boundaries as well as making your dog comfortable around your baby.
Learn How Easy It Is To Have A
Well Behaved Dog
All It Requires Is That You Need To Be:
* Calm * Confident
* Consistent * Patient
It's Stupid Simple!
Behavior Dog Training:
The most important thing to realize are that dogs are a different species. Their methods of communication, perspective, and way of life is quite different from us humans. People use speech and dogs communicate through emotions, body language, and energy; therefore, people need to be careful what they are actually communicating to a dog. You don't see a Mama look at one pup and go "woof woof woof" look at the next pup and go "woof woof woof"
That's just not reality.
FACT: Dogs are more family oriented than people and will Never follow an unstable leader, so the more you become impatient, annoyed, frustrated, or angry with them the more they are NOT going to trust or listen to you!
Dogs are all about:
* Love * Trust * Respect * Loyalty
If you earn the Trust and Respect of your dog - your dog will always listen to you!
You need to establish that bond with them.
Do not get a dog if you are Not willing to treat them like family
They are not slaves!
Dogs are high maintenance. They require your time and effort. Dogs are not disposable! It is a commitment that lasts for over a decade. All dogs need training. They need to understand and be taught the rules, and people need to learn how to properly communicate with their dog. Dogs are not being spiteful or disrespectful, it is just a communication breakdown between us.
Keep in mind - Horses weigh approximately 1000lbs and you never see a person yanking on their reins to correct the horse so why would you do it to a dog?
You would never use force with a horse so why would you use force with a dog?
You never see a horse being trained with a Shock or Prong collars so why would you use them on a dog? It is not necessary!
Learn how to provide Direction and Not Corrections.
Don't Let Them Be Misunderstood!
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